Tips and resources for foster and forever parents (1).jpg

Basic needs

Our house cats today still have over 96% the same genes and most likely ways of thinking like a tiger out in the wild, so according to one if the best known cat behaviourists Jackson Galaxy our cats still want 6 things for a happy life:

Hunt, Catch, Kill, Eat, Groom and Sleep (HCKEGS) (J. Galaxy, Total Cat Mojo, page 26)

  • Hunt, Catch, Kill = play time 

  • Eat = feeding time

  • Groom = cuddle and brushing time

  • Sleep = never interrupt a catnap

How does a perfectly content and happy cat look?

“Tail up in the backward question mark position, ears relaxed, eyes not dilated, whiskers neutral. No threat in sight, no fight-or-flight mode enacted.” (J. Galaxy, Total Cat Mojo, page xvi). 

“For cats, Mojo is about confidence. [...] Cat’s source of Mojo is unquestioned ownership of their territory and having an important job to do within that territory. That job is a biological imperative that cats inherited form their wildcat ancestors, and I call it: Hunt, Catch, Kill, Eat, Groom, Sleep.” (J. Galaxy, Total Cat Mojo, page 2) - we need to create a daily routine for our cat(s) that gives them that catisfaction.

This is our ultimate goal for our feline friends. Depending on their individual history it might take longer or feel almost impossible to achieve, but if your (foster) cat get’s there you’re an absolute star in caring for cats!

Learn more about cats here:

40 Awesome Cat Facts to Understand Them Better

For DIY fans Cat Hacks To Save You Money

Cat ways to say I like you

People and cats speak two different languages and a cat tells you a lot by her action, not by her meow. If you gained their trust and love they’ll show you by doing this:

  • slow blink = keeping their eyes off you, trusting nothing is gonna happen

  • showing the tummy = showing that they are vulnerable and they trust, you want do anything. Watch out, it doesn’t always mean you can touch the tummy.

  • sleeping & relaxing where you can see the cat = Level up is a lap cat or a cat sleeping while snuggled up to you, but when you can see them, they already like you 

The best thing is you can use that, if you meet a cat for the first time and want to make a good impression or you just want to reassure a shy cat:

  • slow blink 

  • give them something with your scent on f.e. glasses, scarf

  • reach out your hand last and in a non-threatening way

Get the details here:

The Does My Cat Love Me?

4 Ways to Tell Your Cat "I Love You”

11 Things Your Cat Doesn't Like About You

Introducing cats

We can recommend taking five steps for introducing cats or cats and kittens to each other:

  1. Preparation: Meals - no free feeding but feeding times that are similar for all involved cats every day. Goal is for them to have the same routine by sharing the meals f.e. on each side of a closed door and  associate each others smell with something positive.

  2. Preparation: Basecamp - a space only for the new cat/kitten that it can claim as it’s own. The new cat and the residents have their own blanket, litter box, food dishes, toys etc. 

  3. Scent Access - your resident ca can go and sniff out the new cats room, while the new cat can sniff out another part of the house. Make sure they don’t meet.

  4. Visual Access - cats can see each other supervised. In the beginning with something that separates them physically f.e. only through a slit in the door, a baby gate or a playpen.

  5. Playdates - Give the cats something to do when they start interacting for example chasing a toy or a laser pointer. This way they don’t focus on each other as much or make fighting each other their thing to do now because they focus on you.

Get the details here:

The Do's & Don'ts of Introducing Cats

Adults - The Best Way To Introduce Your Two Cats

Kittens - Introducing Cats to New Kittens for the First Time

Optional products: Feliway difusor, scent “Classic” or “Friends”

Shy cats

Prepare a Basecamp = a space only for the new cat/kitten that it can claim as it’s own. Give them their own blanket, litter box, food dishes, toys etc. 

Offer hiding spots that allow you access to them like boxes, transportines, cat houses, cardboard houses or blanket fords. Avoid and secure hiding spots that allow the cat to get out of reach. You don’t have to touch them all the time, sometimes even vets clearly advice against it, but you need to have the possibility. 

Some cats feel a lot safer when the can watch from above. Offering a higher space like a  cat tree, or shelves or furniture they are allowed to climb on can be a great help - make sure you could still reach them with climbing a chair for example.

What drives your shy cat? Most common are:

  • food = use food like offering special threads on you hand or presenting meals together with your scent to make them associate you with something positive

  • hunt & play = use toys to lure your shy cat out of her shell by making her focus on the toy instead of your presence. In time first your scent and then you will get associated with something positive.


Get the details here:

Cats - 3 Steps To Make Your Cat More Social

Kittens - How to Socialize Hissy Feral Kittens

Kittens - Socializing feral kittens!

Cats very detailed - How to Socialize Feral or Scared Adult Cats

Optional products: Feliway difusor scent “Classic”, globuli Bach flowers “Anti Stress/ Anxiety” mixed into their food, CBD drops for pets 

Potty training

If your kitten or cat is not using the litter box, be sure to check the following:

1: If you have two or more cats, make sure that each cat has their own litter box to use. 2 cats=2 litter boxes.

2: Sometimes cats don’t like their litter boxes dirty and will use other areas of the house instead. Make sure that each time they poop, you pick it up and leave the box clean. Always clean the litter box once a week or as soon as it becomes dirty. This is one of the mosts frequent causes of accidents outside the litter box.

3: If the accidents outside the litter box continue, take your cat to the vet right away to ensure that it does not have a UTI. Male cats are often prone to UTI’s and when left un-treated, can sometimes be fatal. The vet will ask you to collect a urine sample from the same day as your appointment. You will need to buy non-absorbent litter to collect the same.

When collecting the urine sample, you must clean the litter box out completely of litter and waste. Wash it with a mild soap and rinse with water. Dry it. Add the plastic litter, and keep the cat enclosed in a small space without any other fabrics or places for the cat to urinate (if in a bathroom, remove the bathmat, towels, laundry, etc). The cat will have to use it eventually. When it does, use the pipet to extract the urine from the box and put it in the plastic container that comes with the kit.

How to Litter Train Baby Kittens

UTIs in Cats

Great sources to learn more 

=^.^ = Books

“Total Cat Mojo” Jackson Galaxy with Mikel Delgado, PhD

=^.^ = YouTube Channels

Kitten Lady

Jackson Galaxy

Cole and Marmalade 

=^.^ = Instagram

Kittenxlady - Hannah Shaw

TheCatLVT - Ellen Carozza